Ace comedian, Basketmouth, shared a picture of his wife for mother’s day, a fan’s comment will leave you laughing out loud

Basketmouth and wife
The popular comedian had shared a picture of his wife on Facebook, to honour her on mother’s day, and the comments started rolling in.
Here’s what Basketmouth posted:

One Facebook user, Umoh Williams Maxwell, took the comments to another level with his ‘explanation’ of the comedian’s wife’s looks.
Here’s what he said below:
“In this picture there are two things involved either it is natural beauty or packaging. If it is natural beauty you are safe, if it is packaging there are two things involved either she is going under the knife or she is working out. If she is going under the knife hmmm, if she is working out there are two things involved either she is working out with a man or a woman, if she is working out with a woman, you are safe but if she is working out with a man there are two things involved either she is working out for fitness or she is working out for both fitness and sweetness. If she is working out for fitness, you are safe but if she is working out for sweetness my guy there’s only one thing involved #no be for my mouth you go hear say bicycle climb trailer and kill all passengers.”
Here’s a screenshot of the comment below:

Hmmm…Nigerians have a sense of humour sha.

Source: news


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